Monday, March 22, 2010

Moving Ford

Which is exactly what Ford is doing

Automakers continue to struggle.

Meanwhile, Ford continues to create contemporary messaging that taps into how people think and feel about their cars.

Ford continues their investment in the celebrated Drive One campaign, which actually is a breath of fresh air in a very boring, very predictable category, now into its third year.

Ford sales continue to grow.

And frankly, you can't imagine that a robust trend like this is going to reverse itself, not by a long shot, not anytime soon.

The moral, obviously, is run a healthy company. Build great cars. Innovate. Use technology to make cars great, safe, and fun.

Above all, know your customers, know how they think, and connect.

Then, make money.

Ford does it all, and does it exceptionally well.

Maybe Ford is the new Toyota.