Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Army is Strong

Very strong, and very motivating

This is an 'anthem' message, an umbrella idea that defines the U.S. Army officer recruiting program.

This is one of the strongest-connecting programs you are going to see in marketing in today's world, and it just happens to be in one of marketing's toughest categories.

Military recruiting in a time of war.

It's been around for a while, but you should catch up.

Army Strong is a powerful, motivating, uplifting campaign that not only reflects the values of the U.S. Army, but also sends an positive message to prospective recruits and their families and connects strongly with currently serving Army men and women and their families.

The officer recruiting message (above) is remarkable for a lot of reasons. It's about leadership and command, of course. It's about officer-ship. It's about what you, as an individual, could ultimately achieve as an officer in the Army.

But that achievement motivation is extraordinarily powerful. Motivations that drive men and women contemplating an officer's career -- the opportunity for personal growth, promotion, and career and command achievement -- are squarely and successfully addressed. There is can be no mistake about what this message is about.

The people who created this work -- and the people who ordered and approved it -- know what Army is about.

And the branding component, rapidly cutting through the insignia of Army rank, is also brilliantly conceived and executed. It's perfect motivation for a motivated officer candidate.

Very few campaigns in the private sector achieve this kind of power, this focus, and this effectiveness.

Kudos to the U.S. Army and their team.

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